Author: Alia Sarah


News: Pengarah Urusan IPSB Technology, Nasir Baki Terima Penganugerahan Darjah Kebesaran Negeri Melaka

Pengarah Urusan IPSB Technology, Nasir Baki Terima Penganugerahan Darjah Kebesaran Negeri Melaka Oct 11, 2020 Pengarah Urusan IPSB Technology, Nasir bin Baki telah dianugerahkan penghargaan "Darjah Pangkuan Seri Melaka D.P.S.M" yang membawa gelaran "Datuk", bersempena dengan Hari Keputeraan Tuan Yang


News: RTBGo App Launching Ceremony

RTBGo App Launching Ceremony Oct 11, 2020, Bandar Seri Begawan News Source: Like other regional and international broadcasting agencies, Radio Television Brunei, RTB as the government's voice has launched RTBGo application. The new app is the latest platform for

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Blog: After Every Storm, There Is Always A Rainbow – Even In Technology

After Every Storm, There Is Always A Rainbow – Even In Technology 5 Oct 2020 by Faraheen Fadzilullah, Digital Media Architect Who would have thought inĀ  2020, most of our daily norms would be forced to go on halt and normal methods of buying groceries, attending meetings and going to class would be done virtually.

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Blog: Building New Paths of Data Storage

Building New Paths of Data Storage Sept 14, 2020 by The Leadership Post [caption id="attachment_1100" align="alignleft" width="259"] Creating solutions for clients is what Integriti Padu Sdn Bhd (IPSB Technology) stands for, and with Managing Director, Nasir Baki leading the way,


News: Akil Balik Contract Signing Ceremony

Akil Balik Contract Signing Ceremony Sept 8, 2020, by IPSB Media A contract signing ceremony was held between IPSB Technology (IPSB Media), Cinemalaya Studio along with the crews and the actors who will be involved in the making of telemovie

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News: AWS Education Insights Webinar featuring Mardhiah Nasir

AWS Education Insights Webinar featuring Mardhiah Nasir July 28, 2020 Join Ms Mardhiah Nasir on 6th August 2020, Thursday (Session 3): Remote Communication, Collaboration, and Media Delivery for Online Learning (Level 200) during the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Education Insights

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News: How IPSB Enhance Website Performance with AWS CDN

Website Content Delivery Network Campaign with Amazon Web Services July 9, 2020, Kuala Lumpur IPSB Technology launched our first Website Content Delivery Network (CDN) Campaign with Amazon Web Services (AWS)! This inaugural campaign is the beginning of many more exciting